An English Cradle Mount

Eugenio Conceicio Silva (1903-1969) was the father of Portuguese Amateur Astronomy. Silva's beautifully mounted 500 mm reflector (pictures here courtesy of Pedro Re) is the inspiration for a re-mount of the 737 mm reflector which had been used for visual work.
It also will be converted to prime focus.

It is shown here with the water lines, power cable and data cables affixed to a vane of the spider at prime focus. This picture was taken before the ATTACK of the KRYLON FLAT BLACK.

The Cradle began as a twin ladder structure of 5x5 cm steel tube with an axle at each end. These axles mount in the North and South Piers. The North Pier is a tripod about 11 feet tall, while the south pier is about one inch tall. Hardly worthy of the name "pier". The camera is in the bucket (really!) at the top of the tube cap.

First Light Images - poor quality, reflecting jerky drive problems



NGC 2903 in Leo

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